Jackson County High School Home

Quality Education = Community Commitment

Welcome Back!!

We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer. Here are a few important dates for our faculty, staff and students.
Tuesday, July 23rd - Teacher work day at JCHS
Monday, July 29th - JCHS teacher Inservice
Tuesday, July 30th - County wide Inservice
Wednesday, July 31st - Registration for all students
Thursday, August 1st - Administrative Day for teachers (No Students)
Friday, August 2nd - First Full Day of School
Monday, September 2nd - Labor Day, No School








welcome back

Latest News

Senior Reception

The Senior reception was held on Sunday, May 3rd. Thank you to all of the seniors and parents who attended.

Final Exam scedule

1st, 3rd, and 5th Block finals will be on Monday, May 13th.
2nd, 4th, and 6th Block finals will be on Tuesday, May14th

Early Release

Jackson County Schools will release at 10:00 for summer break!
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